Great Depression Fashion Trends


Great Depression Fashion Trends

Great Depression fashion trends were about to change again, and they were to usher in a brand new era of style for women. It was during this time that women were fashion conscious about the clothes that they wore, as well as the accessories that they wore on their bodies. Fashion trends for women had undergone a complete transformation and were about to experience a new revolution when they were hit by another great depression. On top of everything else that they were experiencing, women were finding it increasingly difficult to obtain any type of funding that was available for them to keep their fashion clothing shops open. Women had to choose between keeping up their fashion lines, or having to suffer the consequences of not being able to keep their businesses going.

Once again, fashion trends for women were about to change, and there was an opportunity that they would finally see some recovery. Thanks to the Great Depression, women were starting to dress more comfortably, and fashion was about to catch back up to where it had been before the depression. It wasn’t going to be until the 1930s that women would once again see a spike in fashion sales, but as soon as that happened, it changed again. The Great Depression and World War II combined with the same sort of economic chaos that had previously struck the nation, and these changes were only temporary.

Once again fashion trends for women took a turn for the worse. Women were now wearing rags and hobo clothing, and there was absolutely no interest in wearing high fashion gowns or anything of the sort. When the women returned to school, they believed that they would have to put far too much money towards their fashion clothing, which was very untrue. They decided to make do with what they had, and fashion quickly started to backslide once again. However, at least the Great Depression was over, and women could once again enjoy themselves.
